Tuesday, May 28
The Navy Seal Code
• Loyalty to Country, Team and Teammate
• Serve with Honor and Integrity On and Off the Battlefield
• Ready to Lead, Ready to Follow, Never Quit
• Take responsibility for your actions and the actions of your teammates
• Excel as Warriors through Discipline and Innovation
• Train for War, Fight to Win, Defeat our Nation’s Enemies
• Earn your Trident everyday
Monday, May 27
Wednesday, May 22
Think twice about getting a tattoo.
1) Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor print any marks upon you: I am the LORD. Leviticus 19:28
2) Your risk of contracting Hepatitis C increases 5 times.
3) Chances are you will regret getting the tattoo before you reach middle age.
4) Removing a tattoo is difficult, lengthy, and painful. Think hot bacon grease spattered on the skin. Think the sting of a stretched rubber band smacking you from up close.
5) Imagine paying $159 to $1,000 for the multiple appointments to obliterate a tattoo.
Tuesday, May 21
Response from Congressman Hultgren
Thank you for contacting me about the Internal Revenue Service’s targeting conservative organizations, including Tea Party groups, for special scrutiny during the 2012 election cycle. I appreciate knowing your views.
Quite simply, this is reprehensible, not to mention illegal, conduct on the part of the IRS. Regardless of one’s political views, everyone should be outraged when a government agency abuses its public trust by stepping outside its mandate to harass private individuals or groups simply for exercising their First Amendment rights. The IRS’s actions are emblematic of the continued disregard for the law by the Obama Administration and exacerbate the deep distrust many Americans already harbor towards the agency and government in general.
Over a year ago I wrote to IRS Commissioner Douglas Shulman expressing my outrage over the agency’s undue delays and excessively burdensome information requests for tax-exempt status of certain non-profit organizations for no apparent reason other than the political persuasion of the applicants. Obviously, the IRS continues to flout the law and this cannot be tolerated.
I have called on the White House to clean house at the IRS and to hold those responsible accountable for their actions. The House Ways and Means and Oversight and Government Reform Committees will be holding investigative hearings on this matter. Clearly, such behavior on the part of the IRS speaks to the urgency of reforming and establishing additional oversight over the agency so that it adheres to its mandate and acts within the law. The IRS and those involved in this scandal will be held accountable.
Thank you again for your counsel. It is a privilege to serve you and the people of the 14th Congressional District. If you have additional questions, of if I can ever be helpful to you or your family, do not hesitate to contact me or my staff at 202-224-2976, or 630-232-7104.
Randy Hultgren
Member of Congress
Difference Between Shi'a and Sunni Muslims
1. Shi'a (Ali’s party)
a. Believe that the Caliph should be a descendent of Ali.
b. Doctrine of Imamism, which looks to certain divinely appointed leaders who arise in the direct succession of Muhammad.
c. Emergence of a Mahdi figure in times of distress to restore the faithful and protect the Prophetic message.
d. Emphasis on human freedom.
e. Found in vast majority in Iran and Southern Iraq.
f. Added to the Shahadah: "There is no God, but Allah, and Muhammad is the Prophet of God, and Ali is the friend of God."
2. Sunni (Normative party)
a. Believe that the Caliph should be chosen in a rational way by the Council, regardless of his blood descent.
b. Believe the "Imam" is simply the leader of the Islamic assembly on Fridays (preacher).
c. Reject any notion of a final mahdi.
d. Emphasize Divine sovereignty - predestination.
e. Easily the majority world-wide, with 5 times the adherents of Shi`a.
f. Reject any changes or additions to the Shahadah.
Saturday, May 18
Eightfold Path of Buddhism
The Wisdom Path (Prajna)
(Note that "wisdom" is prajna in Sanskrit, panna in Pali.)
Right View is also sometimes called Right Understanding. It is insight into the nature of things as they are, in particular insight into the first three Noble Truths -- the nature of dukkha, the cause of dukkha, the cessation of dukkha.
Right Intention is sometimes translated as Right Aspiration or Right Thought. This is an unselfish intention to realize enlightenment. You can call it a desire, but it is not a tanha or craving because there is no ego attachment and no desire for becoming or not-becoming attached to it (see Second Noble Truth).
The Ethical Conduct Path (Sila)
Right Speech is communicating in ways that promote harmony and understanding. It is speech that is truthful and free of malice. However, it doesn't mean being "nice" when unpleasant things must be said.
Right Action is action that springs from compassion, without selfish attachment. This aspect of the Eightfold Path is connected to the Precepts.
Right Livelihood is earning a living in a way that does not compromise the Precepts or harm anyone.
The Mental Discipline Path (Samadhi)
Right Effort or Right Diligence is the practice of developing wholesome qualities while releasing unwholesome qualities.
Right Mindfulness is a whole body-and-mind awareness of the present moment.
Right Concentration is the part of the path associated with meditation. It is focusing all of one's mental faculties onto one physical or mental object and practicing the Four Absorptions, also called the Four Dhyanas (Sanskrit) or Four Jhanas (Pali).
Response from Congressman Hultgren
Thank you for contacting me regarding the murder of our four American personnel in Benghazi, Libya.
I certainly share your outrage at the death of Ambassador Stevens, as well as the deaths of Foreign Service Officer Sean Smith, and security officers Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods.
Last year, I joined with 53 of my congressional colleagues in sending a letter to President Obama and former Secretary of State Clinton requesting a full and immediate response to a number of the allegations of incompetence, apathy, or intentional cover-up by their Administration. Specifically, I am concerned about the Administration ignoring prior attacks in Libya on American and international personnel, as well as the reduction of U.S. security personnel in Benghazi, while simultaneously adding danger pay to the personnel remaining - a tacit admission of the increased danger facing our personnel.
Additionally, I recently became a co-sponsor of a resolution to create a Select Committee on Benghazi, which would give the Congress vital powers of subpoena to finally get answers about what happened last September.
I am not optimistic that President Obama will show any willingness to work with the Congress to address this egregious violation of American sovereignty by foreign terrorists; however, rest assured my colleagues and I will continue to pursue accountability and answers from President Obama, including the possibility of forming a Select Committee on Benghazi and securing testimony from the eyewitness survivors of the attack.
Thank you again for your feedback and counsel; it is a privilege to serve you and the people of the 14th Congressional District. If you have additional questions, or if I can ever be helpful to you or your family, do not hesitate to contact me or my staff at 202-224-2976, or 630-232-7104.
Randy Hultgren
Member of Congress
Friday, May 17
IRS Official Promoted
"The Internal Revenue Service official charged with overseeing tax-exempt organizations when conservative groups were targeted for extra scrutiny now runs the agency’s office responsible for implementing Obamacare.
Sarah Hall Ingram was commissioner of the office responsible for tax-exempt organizations from 2009 to 2012, ABC News reports.
But now, ABC says, Ingram is director of the IRS' Affordable Care Act office, a move that Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., said was 'stunning, just stunning.'"
Highest Paid Athletes
1) Floyd Mayweather--$90mil total--$90mil salary--$0 endorsements
2) LeBron James------$56.5mil total--$17.5mil salary--$39 mil endorsements
3) Drew Brees--$47.8 mil total--$40mil salary--$7.8 mil endorsments
4) Kobe Bryant--$46.85mil total--$27.85mil salary--$19mil endorsements
5) Tiger Woods--$40.8mil total--$7.8mil salary--$33mil endorsements
6) Phil Mickelson--$39.5mil total--$3.5mil salary--$36mil endorsements
7) Derrick Rose--$33.4mil total--$16.4mil salary--$17mil endorsements
8) Peyton Manning--$31mil total--$18mil salary--$13mil endorsements
9) Alex Rodriguez--$29.9mil total--$29mil salary--$900k endorsements
10) Zack Greinke--$29.02mil total--$29mil salary--$20k endorsements
Thursday, May 16
Wednesday, May 15
On This Date
In 1972 George C. Wallace was shot by Arthur Bremer and left paralyzed while campaigning in Laurel, MD, for the Democratic presidential nomination
One Head Rolls...
A sacrificial lamb? Mr. Miller was planning to retire anyway. The targeting of Tea Party Groups by the IRS was a political response to the effectiveness of conservative groups in the 2010 election. The "most transparent administration" in history is also the most corrupt.
"President Obama announced Wednesday night that the acting commissioner of the Internal Revenue Service had been ousted after disclosures that the agency gave special scrutiny to conservative groups...
Speaking in the White House’s formal East Room, Mr. Obama said Treasury Secretary Jacob J. Lew had asked for and accepted the resignation of the acting commissioner, Steven Miller, who as deputy commissioner was aware of the agency’s efforts to demand more information from conservative groups seeking tax-exempt status in early 2012."
-from NY Times
Tuesday, May 14
Monday, May 13
Veneration of St. Pio
Another reason why I am not a Catholic.
"The relics of the body of St. Pio of Pietrelcina will be permanently exhibited for veneration beginning on June 1.
The prefect of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints, Cardinal Angelo Amato, will preside at the celebration of the Eucharist to begin the exhibition, which will take place on 11 a.m. on June 1, at the church of St. Pio of Pietrelcina. All those who work with him in the dicastery will join him in pilgrimage to San Giovanni Rotondo to venerate the remains of the saint."
Benghazi Explained by Jay Carney
"The Republicans are obsessed with Benghazi. Benghazi was a bump in the road. I mean, what difference does it make? Obama was asleep while he watched it unfold. It's the Republican's fault because they pushed for the Sequestration that Obama invented. Rush Limbaugh is a bad man. This is a FoxNews-created scandal extensively reported on by CBS. George W. Bush is to blame. It's a vast right wing conspiracy. The terrorists that did this were not committing an act of terror. We never once altered the talking points' twelve different versions. These talking points originated in the CIA that the White House authored. This was a spontaneous uprising caused by an offensive video that nobody ever saw. The Koch brothers are evil. We only made one adjustment - 'consulate' to 'diplomatic facility' -- among the hundreds of other adjustments. Mitch McConnell is a bad man. Newt Gingrich. If we do not count the Navy Seals that were ready to respond, the nearby fighter aircraft and the Specter gunship circling overhead, there were no assents we could have responded with. Why are Republicans such fringers? Mitt Romney caused the entire Benghazi tragedy. Just because Barack Obama is the only person that could order the assets to stand down, doesn't mean someone else didn't do it. It's too soon after these tragic events, besides, it was a really long time ago. This breaking series of events that happened Friday is old news. Why are you attacking Hillary? It's because you hate women, isn't it?"
Sunday, May 12
This Date in History
On May 12,1932, the body of the kidnapped son of Charles and Anne Lindbergh was found in a wooded area of Hopewell, N.J.
Top Ten Thoroughbred Picks
2 Belmont #1 (6/1)
9 Belmont #2 (5/2)
7 Calder #5 (3/1)
3 Churchill #2 (8/5)
10 Churchill #12 (3/1)
5 Golden gate #6 (8/5)
6 Lone Star #7 (5/2)
9 Monmouth #2 (3/1)
1 Parx #6 (8/5)
4 Presque Isle #3 (3/1)
Saturday, May 11
Friday, May 10
Gov. Quinn Approval Ratings
Voters don't approve of Governor Quinn. Duh!
Approve Disapprove Neutral/No opinion
ALL VOTERS 27.98% 61.69% 10.33%
BY GENDER **** **** ****
Women 28.09% 59.64% 12.27%
Men 27.83% 64.68% 7.49%
BY PARTY ID **** **** ****
Republicans 11.01% 83.82% 5.17%
Democrats 47.55% 38.05% 14.39%
Independents 15.43% 75.74% 8.82%
BY LOCATION **** **** ****
Chicago 44.34% 41.48% 14.18%
Suburban Cook 36.26% 51.68% 12.06%
Collars 23.76% 67.14% 9.09%
Downstate 15.39% 76.96% 7.65%
McCain Cable Bill
What a revolutionary concept (insert sarcasm here)! Pay for only the cable channels you actually watch.
MSN article
MSN article
O.J. Requests New Trial
Jailbird former football star O.J. Simpson claims his lawyer failed to tell him of a possible plea deal.
Fox News story here
Fox News story here
This Date in History
In 1954 Bill Haley and the Comets released Rock Around the Clock; it was the first rock and roll record to reach number one on the charts.
Thursday, May 9
Jodi Arias is Guilty
This trial ranks up there with O. J. Simpson and the Casey Anthony cases. However, in this case justice was served.
Good review here:
Jodi Arias Trial
Why the Pope Doesn't Administer Communion
Notorious pro-abortion Catholics such as Vice President Biden and Minority Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi received communion at the inauguration of the present pope. These hypocrites favor policies that oppose the teachings of the Catholic church.
"At the moment of communion, pope Jorge Mario Bergoglio does not administer it himself, but allows others to give the consecrated host to the faithful. He sits down and waits for the distribution of the sacrament to be completed....
As an experienced pastor and a good Jesuit, he knew that among those who receive communion there could be unrepentant public sinners who nonetheless professed themselves to be Catholics."
Article here
This Date in History
On May 9, 1994, South Africa's newly elected parliament chose Nelson Mandela to be the country's first black president.
Wednesday, May 8
Tuesday, May 7
Bi-Polar Suicide Risk
"Researchers at Johns Hopkins university say they've identified a gene variant that makes people with bipolar disorder more likely to attempt suicide.
The scientists looked at DNA from about 2,700 people with bipolar disorder where about half had attempted suicide and half had not. They found that the people whose DNA had a particular gene variant were from 1.4 to 3 times as likely to have attempted suicide, depending on how many copies of the variant were present. Studying additional DNA from over 3,000 more people with bipolar disorder confirmed these findings."
Info here
This Day in History
On May 7, 1945, Germany signed an unconditional surrender at Allied headquarters in Rheims, France, to take effect the following day, ending the European conflict of World War II.
Monday, May 6
Stupid Comment of the Month
ABC News: Do you think he (Ted Cruz) represents most Hispanics with his politics?
Bill Richardson: “No, no. He’s anti-immigration. Almost every Hispanic in the country wants to see immigration reform. No, I don’t think he should be defined as a Hispanic. He’s a politician from Texas. A conservative state. And I respect Texas’ choice. But what I don’t like is… when you try to get things done, it’s okay to be strong and state your views, your ideology. But I’ve seen him demean the office, be rude to other senators, not be part of, I think, the civility that is really needed in Washington.”
3 Reasons Why Biden Won't Win in 2016
Biden will turn 74 years old 12 days after Election Day, which would make him the oldest newly elected president to take the oath of office.
Hillary will run and she's popular with 65% of Democrat voters.
Biden makes too many gaffes.
This Date in History
In 1937, the hydrogen-filled German dirigible Hindenburg burned and crashed in Lakehurst, N.J., killing 36 of the 97 people on board.
Sunday, May 5
New Definition of the Middle Class
The middle class are those who keep up with bills, do not get too buried in debt, and do not lose their jobs.
Saturday, May 4
Derby Bets
Here's my Kentucky Derby bets which I placed at the local off track betting parlor:
Win bets:
#5 Normandy Invasion, #6 Mylute, #10 Palace Malice, #19 Java's War
#14 Verrazano on top with #5,#6,#10,#16, and #19
#16 Orb on top with #5,#6,#10, #14, #16, and #19
Box #5 Normandy Invasion with #19 Java's War
#14 Verrazano/ #16 Orb/ over #5/#19
#16 Orb/#14 Verrazano/ over #5/#19
Don't miss the 2 most exciting minutes in sports. Good Luck!!!
Friday, May 3
Triple Crown
The Triple Crown is a trio of races held in May and June every year for 3-year-old Thoroughbreds and represents one of the greatest achievements in horse racing today. To earn the Triple Crown title, a horse must win each leg of the three-race series: the Kentucky Derby, the Preakness Stakes and the Belmont Stakes. And each year, a new crop of 3-year-olds excites the nation with the prospect of a Triple Crown winner.
Winning the Triple Crown has been accomplished just 11 times in its long history, with the latest winner, Affirmed, completing the elusive trifecta over 30 years ago in 1978. Eighteen horses have come close since then, winning two of three races. The most recent near miss came in 2008, when Big Brown won the Kentucky Derby and the Preakness Stakes but did not finish the Belmont Stakes – a race aptly known as the “Test of the Champion” because of its 1 ½ mile distance. Competing in three races in just over a month is difficult enough. But with the recent trend of trainers entering fresh horses in the Preakness Stakes and the Belmont Stakes to compete against the Kentucky Derby winner, winning the Triple Crown will be an incredible feat.
This year, the 2013 Kentucky Derby will be held at Churchill Downs in Louisville, Ky., on May 4th. The 2013 Preakness Stakes will take place at Pimlico Racecourse in Baltimore, Md., on May 18th. And the 2013 Belmont Stakes will be hosted by Belmont Park in Elmont, NY., on June 8th.
Thursday, May 2
Why Terrorism Will Not Go Away
According to a new study of Muslims around Asia and Africa conducted by the Washington-based Pew Forum, over 75% of those Muslims want sharia to rule over family issues and at least 25% of Muslims are in favor of suicide terrorist bombings.
Wednesday, May 1
My Kentucky Derby Picks
# 19 Java's War 15-1
# 5 Normandy Invasion 12-1
# 14 Verrazano 4-1
# 6 Mylute 15-1
# 10 Palace Malice 20-1
Happy Birthday, Anna Marie Jarvis (1864-1948)
Two years after her mother's death, Anna Marie Jarvis held a memorial to her mother and embarked on a campaign to make Mother's Day a recognized holiday. She later soured on the commercialization of the holiday and campaigned against it.
"A printed card means nothing except that you are too lazy to write to the woman who has done more for you than anyone in the world. And candy! You take a box to Mother—and then eat most of it yourself. A pretty sentiment." - Anna Jarvis.
What is Psychology?
I was taught that the goals of psychology were to understand, predict, and control human behavior.
What is psychology?
Psychology is the scientific study of human behavior and mental processes; the reason why we think and feel various thoughts and emotions. It also focuses on the study and treatment of mental health disorders.
Psychology is a complex field with numerous subspecialties:
Biological psychology – The biology behind behavior and mental processes
Clinical psychology –Prevention of psychological dysfunction in patients (individuals, families, couples or small groups)
Cognitive psychology – How people think, perceive, remember and learn
Comparative psychology – The similarities and differences in behavior and mental processes in human and animals
Development psychology – The development of the human mind throughout the life span
Education psychology – How humans learn
Social psychology – How humans relate to one another
What is a psychologist and what do they do?
Psychologists seek to diagnose and treat mental health disorders. Psychologists treat patients through “talk therapy,” and observing, interpreting, and recording their patient’s behavior and mental processes; their thoughts, experiences and responses. They typically look for patterns in human behavior in order to diagnose conditions. Psychologists treat individuals (adults and children), couples and families, as well as patients in small groups. They may treat patients in a clinical environment (hospital), or in private practice. If a patient requires medication for a mental health disorder, a psychologist may refer a patient to a psychiatrist; psychiatrists are medical doctors who can write prescriptions for a variety of mental health disorders such as depression, anxiety, ADD/ADHD, psychosis and more.
What is psychology?
Psychology is the scientific study of human behavior and mental processes; the reason why we think and feel various thoughts and emotions. It also focuses on the study and treatment of mental health disorders.
Psychology is a complex field with numerous subspecialties:
Biological psychology – The biology behind behavior and mental processes
Clinical psychology –Prevention of psychological dysfunction in patients (individuals, families, couples or small groups)
Cognitive psychology – How people think, perceive, remember and learn
Comparative psychology – The similarities and differences in behavior and mental processes in human and animals
Development psychology – The development of the human mind throughout the life span
Education psychology – How humans learn
Social psychology – How humans relate to one another
What is a psychologist and what do they do?
Psychologists seek to diagnose and treat mental health disorders. Psychologists treat patients through “talk therapy,” and observing, interpreting, and recording their patient’s behavior and mental processes; their thoughts, experiences and responses. They typically look for patterns in human behavior in order to diagnose conditions. Psychologists treat individuals (adults and children), couples and families, as well as patients in small groups. They may treat patients in a clinical environment (hospital), or in private practice. If a patient requires medication for a mental health disorder, a psychologist may refer a patient to a psychiatrist; psychiatrists are medical doctors who can write prescriptions for a variety of mental health disorders such as depression, anxiety, ADD/ADHD, psychosis and more.
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