Monday, May 13

Veneration of St. Pio

Another reason why I am not a Catholic.

"The relics of the body of St. Pio of Pietrelcina will be permanently exhibited for veneration beginning on June 1.

The prefect of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints, Cardinal Angelo Amato, will preside at the celebration of the Eucharist to begin the exhibition, which will take place on 11 a.m. on June 1, at the church of St. Pio of Pietrelcina. All those who work with him in the dicastery will join him in pilgrimage to San Giovanni Rotondo to venerate the remains of the saint."


Alpha Male said...

A common practice in early Rome, whereby the bones were left out to rot and be picked clean by 'nature' then 'buried'.
This is still practiced in various countries around the world...
As far as venerating the person, and anointing that person as a Saint, it's another form of reverence...especially for the local people...akin to rooting for your favorite football player.

Alpha Male said...

A common practice in early Rome, whereby the bones were left out to rot and be picked clean by 'nature' then 'buried'.
This is still practiced in various countries around the world...
As far as venerating the person, and anointing that person as a Saint, it's another form of reverence...especially for the local people...akin to rooting for your favorite football player.