Tuesday, May 21

Response from Congressman Hultgren

Thank you for contacting me about the Internal Revenue Service’s targeting conservative organizations, including Tea Party groups, for special scrutiny during the 2012 election cycle. I appreciate knowing your views.

Quite simply, this is reprehensible, not to mention illegal, conduct on the part of the IRS. Regardless of one’s political views, everyone should be outraged when a government agency abuses its public trust by stepping outside its mandate to harass private individuals or groups simply for exercising their First Amendment rights. The IRS’s actions are emblematic of the continued disregard for the law by the Obama Administration and exacerbate the deep distrust many Americans already harbor towards the agency and government in general.

Over a year ago I wrote to IRS Commissioner Douglas Shulman expressing my outrage over the agency’s undue delays and excessively burdensome information requests for tax-exempt status of certain non-profit organizations for no apparent reason other than the political persuasion of the applicants. Obviously, the IRS continues to flout the law and this cannot be tolerated.

I have called on the White House to clean house at the IRS and to hold those responsible accountable for their actions. The House Ways and Means and Oversight and Government Reform Committees will be holding investigative hearings on this matter. Clearly, such behavior on the part of the IRS speaks to the urgency of reforming and establishing additional oversight over the agency so that it adheres to its mandate and acts within the law. The IRS and those involved in this scandal will be held accountable.

Thank you again for your counsel. It is a privilege to serve you and the people of the 14th Congressional District. If you have additional questions, of if I can ever be helpful to you or your family, do not hesitate to contact me or my staff at 202-224-2976, or 630-232-7104.

Randy Hultgren
Member of Congress


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