Wednesday, June 27

To Understand Something

"If you want to truly understand something, try to change it."
- Kurt Lewin

Wednesday, June 20

False Teachings of Mormonism

Jesus was conceived by physical union between God the Father and Mary.
Jesus had several wives.
Jesus was the brother of Lucifer (Satan).
Jesus was created.
The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are three distinct gods.
Jesus is our elder brother who progressed to become a god.
Jesus Christ plays only an initial role in our salvation.
Certain sins are beyond the atoning blood of Christ.
Jesus is only one of many saviors.
A personal relationship with Christ is discouraged as false doctrine.

Tuesday, June 19

Dead Dog Gets Voter Registration

The dog must be an Obama voter - they're all brain dead.

When Tim Morris got his mail last week he found a pretty big surprise, a document asking his dog Mozart to register to vote.

Not only is Mozart a dog but he's been dead for two years.

'I opened it up and looked at it and I just laughed,' Morris said. 'I thought it was a joke at first and it turns out it's real.'

The form is addressed to Mo, the family's nickname for the dog.

What amazed Morris is that if Mozart was human he would have been eligible to vote for the first time in 2012."


Monday, June 18

U.S. Cities with Highest Violent Crime

Based on the FBI’s Uniform Crime Report, these are the five U.S.cities with the highest rates of violent crime per 1,000 residents:

5. Memphis, Tenn.

Violent crimes per 1,000: 15.8

Population: 652,725

2011 murders: 117

Median income: $37,045

Unemployment rate: 11.1%

4. Oakland, Calif.

Violent crimes per 1,000: 16.8

Population: 395,317

2011 murders: 104

Median income: $49,190

Unemployment rate: 15.6%

3. St. Louis, Mo.

Violent crimes per 1,000: 18.6

Population: 320,454

2011 murders: 113

Median income: $32,688

Unemployment rate: 11.7%

2. Detroit, Mich.

Violent crimes per 1,000: 21.4

Population: 713,239

2011 murders: 344

Median income: $25,787

Unemployment rate: 19.9%

1. Flint, Mich.

Violent crimes per 1,000: 23.4

Population: 102,357

2011 murders: 52

Median income: $22,672

Unemployment rate: 18.9%

Saturday, June 16


The Obama administration announced on Friday that young illegal immigrants who meet the following criteria would not be deported:

1) Came to the United States under the age of 16;

2) Have continuously resided in the United States for at least five years;

3) Are currently in school, have graduated from high school, have obtained a general education development certificate, or are honorably discharged veterans of the Coast Guard or Armed Forces of the United States; (Ironically, a person cannot join and have an honorable discharge from the Coast Guard or Armed Services as an illegal immigrant)

4) Have not been convicted of a felony offense, a significant misdemeanor offense, multiple misdemeanor offenses, or otherwise pose a threat to national security or public safety;

5) Are not above the age of thirty.

This is yet another example of Executive Branch overreach. We have a legislative process that ensures representative governance by the consent of the American people. This action should be crafted into legislation, debated in committee and brought before the United States House of Representatives and U.S. Senate for vote, in accordance with the process in our Constitutional Republic.

Thursday, June 14


Albert Einstein was once asked, "If you had just one hour to solve the world's problems, what would you do?"

Einstein responded, "I'd think about the problem for 55 minutes and spend 5 minutes on the solution."

Tuesday, June 12

Jim Jarmusch Quote

"Nothing is original. All human experience is really just endless variations. There are only a limited number of stories you can tell. But there's an unlimited number of ways to tell the same story."

Saturday, June 9

Top 10 Cults in America

1.The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Mormonism)

2.The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society (Jehovah's Witnesses)

3.The Church of Scientology

4.The Twelve Tribes

5.The Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity (Unification Church)

6.The International Churches of Christ (Boston Movement)

7.The Family (Children of God)

8.Christian Identity Movement (Aryan Nations, Christian Identity Church, Klu Klux Klan, etc.)

9.The Nation of Islam (Black Muslims)

10.United Pentecostal Church (UPC)

Thursday, June 7

War in Afghanistan Drags On

Remember our troops in Afghanistan.

"Welcome to Combat Outpost Pirtle-King. Here we only move around at night. If you must move in daytime, make sure you stay close in against the northern walls, as most attacks come from there," he says. "If you must move in the open, do it at a run."


Wednesday, June 6

Quaker Presidents

Question: How many U.S. Presidents have been Quakers?

Answer: Two (Herbert Hoover and Richard Nixon)

Tuesday, June 5

Onward, Wisconsin!

Today, voters in Wisconsin are expected to thwart the recall effort to oust sitting Governor Scott Walker who had the audacity to take on the labor unions in his quest to deal with his state's budget deficit. The race is seen by some as a harbinger of things to come in the national election this fall. A victory by Walker will indicate that the Tea Party is alive and well.

Monday, June 4

Romney's Transition Team

Romney is crossing his t's and dotting his i's.

Mitt Romney has named former Utah Gov. Mike Leavitt to lead his presidential transition team should he win November's general election

Academic Records of Mitt and Barack

The Obama camp has hypocritically demanded GOP rival Mitt Romney turn over 10 years of tax records, which arguably are more personal than academic records.

Mitt Romney ought to issue a challenge to Obama by turning over his grades from Brigham Young University, where he reportedly graduated with a 3.97 GPA and highest honors, and from Harvard, where he simultaneously earned an MBA and law degree.

Sunday, June 3

Obama Economy

• Job Growth Slowest Among Post-War Recoveries: According to data from the Minneapolis Federal Reserve, after the same amount of time following a recession, the average job growth in the past 10 recoveries was 6.9 percent. Under President Obama, jobs have grown by just 1.9 percent.

•GDP Growth Revised Down, Trending Down: On May 31 the Bureau Of Economic Analysis announced that the economy grew at a 1.9 percent pace in the first quarter of this year, slower than the 2.2 percent rate initially reported. GDP growth in the first quarter of 2012 was down from the 3 percent growth in fourth quarter of 2011. On an annualized basis, GDP growth in 2011 was 1.7 percent, down from 3 percent in 2010.

•1 in 2 People are Now Poor or Low-Income: According to a December Census Bureau report, nearly half of all Americans are now classified as poor or low-income as a result of the Obama Economy. The 97.3 million Americans who fall into the low-income category combined with the 49.1 million who fall below the poverty line now equal 146.4 million people or 48 percent of the United States population.

•Record Number of Americans on Food Stamps: The number of Americans receiving food stamps as of February 2012 was 46.3 million. Today, 15 percent of Americans receive food stamps, an increase of 44 percent since President Obama took office.

•Half of Recent College Graduates Are Jobless: More than 50 percent of recent college graduates are unemployed. About 1.5 million, or 53.6 percent, of bachelor's degree-holders under the age of 25 last year were jobless or underemployed.

•Ease of Starting a Business in the United States fell from 4th to 13th: According to the World Bank’s Doing Business 2012 report, the United States now ranks 13th in the world in the ease of starting a new business and has been steadily declining since President Obama took office. In 2011, the United States was 8th. In 2009, the United States was ranked 6th. It was 4th in 2008 and 3rd in 2007.

•Economic Growth Lagging Far Behind Historic Recoveries: In an economic failure unprecedented in postwar America, the Bureau of Economic Analysis statistics for the first quarter of 2012 show that 18 quarters after the start of the recession, this recovery has still not matched its pre-recession real per capita GDP level. On average, America's postwar economy has recovered all lost real per capita income by the 6th quarter after the recession’s start—about a year and a half—while this recovery has still not recovered after 18 quarters—over 4 years.

•The American People Know that the President’s Policies are Making the Economy Worse: According to a May 21 NBC/WSJ poll, only 33 percent of respondents believe the economy will get better in the next year, down five points from April and seven points from March. In addition, approval of President Obama’s handling of the economy stands at 43 percent, down two points from last month, his worst showing on this question since December. And just a third of respondents (33 percent) think the nation is headed in the right direction. In a May Washington Post poll, 83 percent of those in the poll rated the state of the economy as “poor” or “not so good,” a much higher portion of negative views than at any other time in the 10 years preceding the recession.

•Total Employment Still Down: While the unemployment rate has fallen in recent months, the actual number of people in the United States with a job has decreased by 322,000 since President Obama took office.

•Percentage of Working Americans at a 30-Year Low: The labor force participation rate, which measures the percentage of able Americans working or looking for work, was at a 32-year low of 63.6 percent in April. Much of the recent decline in the unemployment rate can be attributed to the historic drop in labor force participation as more and more American give up on finding a job.

•Youth Unemployment Worst since the Great Depression: The unemployment rate among youth job seekers between the ages of 16 and 19 was 24.9 percent in April. Youth unemployment has been above 23 percent for 34 months, the longest streak since the Great Depression.

-From Congressman Allen West's newsletter

R.I.P. Richard Dawson

He was 79.

Fruit Juice

Brain tip: Have some fruit juice! A study at the Texas Women's University explored the Vitamin C consumption of children. Taken in the form of orange juice, the vitamin increased the IQ scores of the children.

Friday, June 1

WW II Deaths


Stalingrad: 1.8 million
Siege of Leningrad: 1.5 million
Moscow 1941-42: 700,000
Smolensk 1941: 500,000
Kiev 1941: 400,000
Vorenesh 1942: 370,000
Belarus 1941: 370,000
2nd Rzhev-Sychevka: 270,000
Caucasus 1942: 260,000
Kursk: 230,000
Lower Dnieper: 170,000
Kongsberg: 170,000
Rostov: 150,000
Budapest: 130,000
and others with less killed


Battle of France 180,000
Normandy: 132,000
El Alamein: 70,000
Battle of the Bulge: 38,000