Saturday, January 26

More Strange Photos

These three photos were taken in succession.

First Photo - Note orb above black floor vent.
Second Photo - Unusual mist; right side of frame unaffected.
Third Photo 17 - No anomalies remain.


Alpha Male said...

Are those personal shots? If so, maybe I can hunt up an exorcist for you. At the very least, I'd call in "Ghost Hunters", or, for laughs, "GhostBusters".

Thye first photos you showed could be faint double exposures, made when the camera (if film) had film that did not advance. Let me know what you think. srt

The Author said...

All of these photos were taken by me with a new Canon digital camera. The farmhouse where these photos were taken was built circa 1850 and there have been two deaths there, one which was a suicide by hanging. The neighbors have reported a human image in the upstairs window on several occasions as well as the upstairs bedroom ceiling light going on and off. I, myself, found the lights on January 3rd. All the doors and windows are locked and secured. I check on the property weekly as it is part of my wife's family estate. Her father moved to the farm in 1936 and later purchased it from the owners. The owner/landlord's wife was very strange and downright crazy.

Alpha Male said...

There is a program on "cable" "Unexplained Mysteries, I think. If you have cable, watch for the names of psychics who may help you. I normally don't put stock in these kinds of things, but after watching those shows this weekend, I'm open. One story was about an "underground club" in Chicago called Excalibur. You may want to research its history...was used as temp morgue after the Eastland ship disaster...haunted.

The Author said...

Thanks, but as a Christian I don't believe in associating with psychics, fortune tellers, etc. I have had experience with paranormal events that I can't explain, so I know they exist. I have become a fan of the show Ghost Adventures, and believe that much of the "evidence" they capture is a result of demonic deception.

Alpha Male said...

WOW! I've always felt as if I have a Guardian Angel looking over me. It's difficult to see her, but I have felt 'her' presence many, many times. Based on what you said, even though she's been my support on several occasions I'll have to demand that she leave, being somehow connected to demons...